I seem to be confused about the Kmotion test move page. Where does it get it's parameters from for the axis set up? I initialize the axis with the same file I use for the Kcnc initialization but I seem to get different motion in Kcnc jog than when I use the test motion screen.
How does Kcnc know that I'm set up for inch mode even though it defaults to mm mode. After I finish homing I do a EnableDest command for each axis to preset the home value in inches. The positoin display comes up in mm mode but displays the correct mm position for my enable dest positions?
Group: DynoMotion
Message: 7298
From: Tom Kerekes
Date: 4/19/2013
Subject: Re: K motion test move
Hi AZ,
Pushing "Move" on the Step Response Screen downloads all the parameters on that screen overwriting anything that you might have set previously (with a C initialization program).